What is JaNIIDS ?
JaNIIDS: Japanese consortium for Neuronal Intranuclear Inclusion Disease Study is a research organization doing the research to clarify the pathophysiology, to establish precise method for diagnosis and to develop the radical therapy of NIID by collecting and analyzing clinical findings and genetic information.
JaNIIDS is now promoting the research to establish diagnostic criteria of NIID and nationwide study on the epidemiology of NIID.
What is NIID ?
NIID: Neuronal Intranuclear Inclusion Disease is an intractable disease and present many clinical symptoms such as forgetfulness, weakened muscle strength and sensation of limbs, and ataxia, etc.
In 2011, it was reported that NIID could be diagnosed by skin biopsy. Afterward, many NIID cases became to be diagnosed, and the number of NIID cases is increasing dramatically.
JaNIIDS leads the NIID research in the world
JaNIIDS has already made a lot of achievements. Sone et al. published the usefulness of skin biopsy for NIID diagnosis in 2011, the summary of clinical presentation of NIID patients in 2016, and discovery of the NIID causative gene in 2019.